What Sites Can I Send My Podcast Feed to

What Are Podcast Directories?

A podcast directory is a listening app; it's the place where podcasts and their listeners meet. Podcast listeners search for, subscribe to, and listen to your podcast using their podcast directory of choice.

Popular podcast directories include Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.

For podcasters, the podcast directory is the last step in your podcast creating and distribution journey. After you've recorded and edited your show, you'll upload it to your podcast host of choice. From there, if you've submitted your show's RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed to various podcast directories, those directories will then automatically update with your newest episodes.

If your listeners are subscribed to your podcast, they'll see each new episode as you publish it to your podcast hosting platform.

How Do You Distribute Podcasts?

The simplest answer is that you need to submit your show's RSS link to podcast directories.

How to find your RSS feed link depends on which hosting platform your podcast is on. You'll need to check with your podcast host to find your unique RSS feed URL and have it on hand before submitting your show to any directory.

Submitting your RSS feed to a podcast directory is a one-time action; after that, the directory automatically updates with each of your new episodes. We'll get into specific details about submitting your RSS feed to various podcast directories below.

Why Does Your Podcast Need to Be Listed on Multiple Directories?

Many directories, like Overcast and Pocket Casts, simply aggregate episodes from Apple Podcasts—so some podcasters simply submit their RSS feed to Apple Podcasts and call it a day.

But if you do this, you'll be missing out on some listening apps that don't get their content directly from Apple. Submitting your show only to Apple Podcasts means limiting your show's potential audience.

8 Top Podcast Directories to Focus on First

While it's a good rule of thumb to get your show listed on as many directories as possible for maximum exposure, we can't pretend you don't have limited time and bandwidth.

Especially if you're just getting started, it can feel overwhelming to set yourself the task of searching out and registering your podcast with each and every possible directory—

Instead here is the list of the top 8 podcast directories you should focus on first:

  1. Apple Podcasts
  2. Spotify
  3. Google Podcasts
  4. Stitcher
  5. TuneIn
  6. Amazon Music and Audible
  7. iHeartRadio
  8. Podchaser

1. Apple Podcasts (iTunes)

Apple Podcasts should be your first priority, since it's one of the biggest podcast directories in the world with 28 million listeners. And, as mentioned above, several smaller directories pull their content from Apple Podcasts. If your podcast isn't listed here, you'll be missing out on a massive audience—not to mention, you may not be taken seriously as a professional podcaster if your show isn't listed with Apple.

How to Submit a Podcast to Apple Podcasts:

1. Create an Apple ID (if you don't have one already) and authenticate it on the iTunes app

2. Log into Apple Podcasts Connect and follow the steps to set up your account

Join Apple Podcasts Connect

3. Once you've created your account, select the "+" icon in the top left corner of the screen to add your podcast's RSS feed

add podcasts on apple podcasts

Because Apple manually approves each request, your show may take 24-48 hours to be approved.

2. Spotify

Spotify is rapidly gaining traction as a top podcast directory—in fact, it's predicted to overtake Apple in 2021 with 28.2 million monthly listeners, slightly more than Apple's 28.0 million. The massively popular music-playing app has been investing heavily in the podcasting game in the last few years, buying Anchor in 2018 and Gimlet Media in 2019 to demonstrate its determination to become a major player.

How to Submit a Podcast to Spotify:

  1. Make sure your show meets Spotify's requirements
  2. Create an account on Spotify for Podcasters‍
  3. Click Get Started on your Dashboard

Spotify for podcasters

4. Add your show's RSS feed URL

what's the link to your podcast's rss FEED?

5. Spotify will send you a verification email to confirm you own the podcast you're submitting. Enter the code from your email on your dashboard.

6. Finally, fill out the required information about your show (location, language, hosting provider, and category or categories) and click Submit.

How to Submit a Video Podcast to Spotify with Riverside:

Spotify only recently launched video podcasts, but they partnered with Riverside to make video podcasting to their platform a seamless process. Creators can now record in high-quality on Riverside, while sharing their podcast directly to Spotify's viewers.

Follow these steps to submit a video podcast to Spotify with Riverside:

  1. Open a Riverside recording studio and invite up to 7 guests to join your podcast recording.
  2. In the studio click the Record button to start recording your podcast as usual. Click the stop button when you are done and wait for everything to upload.
  3. Go to your video recording and select 'Edit & Export' to start editing and customizing your podcast.
  4. Once you've finalized your podcast click on 'Export', go through the options, and select 'Export' again to prepare your video podcast for exporting. (Note that this may take a few minutes).
  5. When your video is ready for exporting, go to the preview tab and click on the Spotify button to transfer your video podcast to Anchor for distribution.
  6. You'll be redirected to Anchor where you can log in or sign up, choose a podcast to export your video to and then finally fill in your episode's details.
  7. Hit 'Publish now' once you're done and your video podcast will upload to Spotify.

You can watch this video for a full guide on how to submit a video podcast to Spotify through Anchor with Riverside.

3. Google Podcasts

Apple may be popular, but there are many Android users out there—and they often gravitate towards Google's platform for their media consumption needs. That's where Google Podcasts comes in.

Now that Google Play Music is gone, Google Podcasts is Google's primary source for podcast content. It's a free directory that crawls the web to bring in and aggregate podcast content. Its bots may automatically find your podcast on their own, but why not officially claim your show to ensure it will appear in search results?

As of 2020, Google Podcasts had seen 50 million cumulative downloads in its lifetime, which is not quite up to Apple and Spotify's standards, but still, it's no small feat.

How to Submit a Podcast to Google Podcasts:

1. Log into your Google account in your browser (or create an account if you don't already have one)

2. Navigate to the Google PubSubHubbub Hub, enter your RSS feed URL, and click Publish

Submitting a podcast to Google Podcasts

3. Navigate to Google Podcasts Manager and submit your RSS feed URL

enter a podcast rss feed

4. You'll receive a verification email in your Gmail account. Enter the verification code in Google Podcasts Manager and click Submit.

4. Stitcher

Stitcher is another extremely popular podcast listening app, especially among Android users.

Stitcher's popularity is no doubt due to its user-friendly functionality, like recommendations and customizable playlists, which endears the app to many podcast listeners. It also works in any vehicle equipped with Android Auto or Apple's CarPlay—so if your audience is likely to listen to your show while driving, be sure to connect your podcast to Stitcher.

How to Submit a Podcast to Stitcher

1. Navigate to Stitcher for Podcasters and click Join us Today

sitcher + podcast creators

2. Add your RSS feed URL into the pop-up prompt

add your show to stitcher

3. Verify your email, accept the terms and conditions, and you're done!

5. TuneIn

TuneIn is one of the largest audio content platforms in the world, with 75 million monthly active listeners. The platform primarily functions as an internet radio streaming service—but TuneIn also offers podcasts, which makes it a popular choice for users who want to listen to all of their sports, news, and other talk radio content all in one place.

TuneIn is also compatible with Alexa, making it a great way for your listeners to discover and play your podcast using their smart speakers.

How to Submit Your Podcast to TuneIn

1. Navigate to TuneIn's podcast submission page

2. Fill out the form with information such as your email, the show's title and genre, and the RSS feed URL.

submitting your podcast to Tune In

3. Accept the Terms and Conditions and select Send email

accept terms and conditions

Your request should be reviewed and approved within a few days. You'll be able to upload your podcast cover art at this point.

6. Amazon Music and Audible

Audible might be a place best known for its audiobook library, but its parent company, Amazon, is branching into the podcasting space as well—and its relatively small listener count of 41.8 million is expected to rise dramatically in the near future.

If you want to cater to an audience who likes listening to podcasts through their Alexa-enabled devices (or who want to mix podcasts into their audiobook consumption), it's a good idea to submit your RSS feed to Amazon Music and Audible.

How to Submit Your Podcast to Amazon Music and Audible

1. Navigate to the Amazon Music for Podcasters page

amazo music for podcasts

2. Log into your Amazon account (or create one)

log into your amazonaccount

3. Enter your RSS feed link into the blank, choose your target audience country (optional), and click Submit

add your podcast

4. Click Confirm Email to get a confirmation email sent to your email address and verify that the podcast is yours.

7. iHeartRadio

You may recognize this online radio streaming platform for its music content—but it's popular for podcasts too, especially among older audiences. As of 2019, the platform had registered more than 128 million cumulative users.

iHeartRadio is accessible on hundreds of devices, from smart speakers to smartphones and wearable tech. It's a great way to discover new podcasts, since the app displays both personal recommendations and top charts for various content genres.

How to Submit a Podcast to iHeartRadio

1. Visit iHeartRadio's podcast submission page

joining iheart radio podcasts

2. Log in or create a free account.

3. Enter your podcast's RSS feed into the prompt box.

submitting your podcast on iHeartRadio

4. Review the details of your submission, accept the terms and conditions, and click Submit Podcast.

5. It may take up to 24 hours for your request to process; you can check the status of your submission process on your iHeartRadio dashboard.

8. Podchaser

Podchaser is a large podcast database with 500,000 monthly active users. This platform is often referred to as the "IMDb of podcasts," because just like IMDb (the Internet Movie Database), Podchaser is a crowdsourced database. Its listeners rate, review, and help each other find podcasts according to individual interests.

Information included in Podchaser's database includes things like a profile page for each podcast, curated podcast lists, ratings and reviews, and even user activity feeds that foster interaction between listeners, podcast creators, and brands.

Being listed on Podchaser can help your current audience promote you to their connections and those with similar interests.

How to Submit a Podcast to Podchaser

1. Create an account on Podchaser.

creating podchaser account

2. On your home dashboard, click your profile picture in the top right of the screen and select Add a Podcast.

add a podcast

3. Paste your RSS feed link into the dialog box

add a podcast feed

23 Other Podcast Directories to Consider

Once you've submitted your show to all the top directories, consider branching out and submitting your RSS feed to as many of the smaller directories as you can.

The process for listing your show with a directory is similar for each; simply navigate to the site and follow the instructions to copy and paste your RSS feed link into the appropriate dialog box. Some sites require you to create an account first, and others have strict guidelines for the types of shows they allow—so be sure to follow the posted instructions for each directory.

  1. Acast
  2. AnyPod—your show may be listed on the database. If you don't see it, email their team at [email protected].
  3. Blubrry
  4. Breaker
  5. Castbox
  6. Castro
  7. Deezer
  8. Digital Podcast
  9. iPodder
  10. Laughable
  11. Learn Out Loud
  12. Listen App (get on the waitlist here)
  13. Listen Notes
  14. Player FM
  15. Podbean
  16. Podcast Addict
  17. Podcast Gang (click Suggest Podcast at the footer of their website)
  18. The Podcast Index—your show may already be listed on this massive database. If not, you can submit your show using code, through your podcast host, or by emailing your RSS feed to [email protected] and asking them to add your show to the index.
  19. Pocket Casts
  20. RadioPublic
  21. Spreaker
  22. Pandora Podcasts
  23. Women in Podcasting—this directory is reserved for women podcasters, so at least one of your show's hosts should identify as a woman.

Directories Aren't Everything: More Ways to Distribute Your Podcast

Are you ready to think outside of the box?

Successfully promoting your podcast takes more than simply submitting your RSS feed to the right directories, then waiting for your audience to grow. If you want maximum reach and engagement, you should get creative with the places your podcast can be found.

1. YouTube

YouTube is one of the biggest platforms for audio content on the web—so it makes sense to make your podcast content available on YouTube, even though it's not technically a podcast directory.

Keep in mind that podcast distribution via YouTube is not the same thing as starting a YouTube channel.

YouTube isn't a podcast host—so if your goal is to get your episodes listed on all the main podcast directories like Spotify and Apple Podcasts, you'll need to start a podcast in the traditional way first. Then, you can take the additional step of uploading each new episode to YouTube as part of your audience-building strategy.

Check out our guide to starting a podcast on YouTube for more details on how to distribute your content there!

2. Facebook

Did you know your audience will soon be able to listen to your show directly from your Facebook page?

On June 21, 2021, Facebook rolled out a soft launch of this new feature to select podcasters in the U.S., but it should be available to wider users soon.

Social media is a great place to find and connect with a large audience, so making sure to promote your podcast and make it as visible as possible on social media platforms is essential for getting maximum engagement.

Promote your show on Facebook by:

  • Setting up a Facebook Business page
  • Live streaming select podcast episodes to social media (Riverside.fm offers the option to live stream your recording on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Twitch—along with a simultaneous local recording so you can publish the session to your regular RSS feed later)
  • Investing in Facebook Ads for your podcast
  • Creating a Facebook Group for your listener community

Podcast Directories FAQ

Is there a directory for podcasts?

Yes, you can choose between various directories for your podcast. These directories display your podcasts in an organized way so that listeners can easily find your podcast show. Listeners can also subscribe to your podcast through a directory, to automatically receive updates every time you add a new podcast episode. Some podcast directory examples include Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts and more.

How do I find podcast directories?

You can find plenty of good podcast directories online, but we if you don't know where to start we recommend checking out our list in the above article. To help you find the right podcast directory, we cover various options in detail including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher and more.

What is the most popular podcast directory to listen to podcasts?

Apple Podcasts used to be the definitive answer to this question. But in 2021, Spotify officially took over Apple Podcasts. Spotify grew to 28.3 million monthly podcast listeners in the US whereas Apple only sat with 2.1 million. It's estimated Spotify's winning lead will only grow and that it's clearly strengthening its spot as the most popular podcast directory.

Are podcast directories free?

Luckily many podcast directories are completely free and other include free plans or options. Some free popular podcast directories in our list include Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts or even iHeartRadio.

What's the best free podcast app?

As with anything, the definition of "best" will be different for everyone.

  • Apple Podcasts has one of the biggest libraries of podcasts, and it's a great choice for iPhone, iPad, or iOS users who want to ask Siri to navigate their podcast listening experience or suggest new shows.
  • Spotify is a great choice for those who already listen to music using the app and want to keep everything in one place. It isn't the most customizable listening app, but its sophisticated algorithm does a great job of recommending new shows based on your tastes.
  • And those who prioritize advanced customization options and granular control might gravitate toward apps like Stitcher or Overcast.

What are the biggest podcast directories?

The directories that have the biggest listener bases are undoubtedly Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Is submitting to Apple Podcasts enough?

In a word, no. There are several directories that pull their episode content from Apple Podcasts, like:

  • Overcast
  • Downcast
  • PodCruncher
  • iCatcher
  • Castaway 2
  • Podcast Republic
  • BeyondPod
  • AntennaPod
  • doubleTwist

So by submitting your show to Apple Podcasts only, you'll be visible on several directories. But if you limit yourself to Apple Podcasts, you'll be missing out on the other top podcast directories like Spotify and Stitcher.

Submit Your Show to as Many Podcast Directories as Possible

Podcast directories are, in a word, plentiful. From giants like Spotify and Apple Podcasts, to crowdsourced databases like Podchaser and The Podcast Index, it seems like there's a listening app for every listener type and taste preference.

But with this ultimate list, we hope you now have a great idea of where to start—because while it can take a bit of time and effort, getting listed on as many podcast directories as possible helps ensure maximum engagement and visibility for your podcast.


Source: https://riverside.fm/blog/podcast-directories

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